مقایسه تاثیر روش داستانگویی و ایفای نقش برانگیزه زبان آموزان |
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هدف از انجام این مطالعه مقایسه اثر داستان گویی و ایفای برانگیزه زبان آموزان بوده است. بدین منظور پس از برگزاری آزمون (PET) در ابتدای مطالعه به منظور همسان سازی، از بین 90 زبان آموز در سطح متوسط و در گروه سنی 13 تا 17 سال موسسه زبان های خارجی آریان در شهر گرگان60 نفر انتخاب شدند و بدین ترتیب دو گروه مختلف آزمایشی را شکل دادند: 30 نفر در گروه آزمایشی 1 و 30 نفر در گروه آزمایشی 2 . پرسشنامه انگیزه گاردنر به عنوان پیش آزمون ازهر دو گروه گرفته شد. سپس گروه آزمایشی 1مورد آموزش از طریق داستان گویی و گروه آزمایشی 2، مورد آموزش از طریق ایفای نقش در آموزشگاه قرار گرفتند. پس از سپری کردن 20 جلسه آموزشی در یک ترم،همان پرسشنامه،به عنوان پس آزمون برگزار و در پایان دوره آموزشی میانگین نمرات هر دو گروه از طریق آزمون مستقل تى محاسبه شد. نتایج تفاوت معناداریدر میزان انگیزه گروه آزمایشی ایفای نقشنسبت به گروه آزمایشی دوم نشان داد واین گروه نسبت به گروه داستان گویی توانست برتری داشته باشد.
This study was an attempt to investigate the comparative effect of storytelling and role playing on EFL learners’ motivation. To fulfill the purpose of this study, 60 female learners with the age range of 13 to 18 years old were selected among a total number of 90 learners studying at Arian Institute in Gorgan through their performance on a piloted PET for homogenizing them prior to the study. Four classes with 15 participants in each were randomly assigned to two experimental groups with two different treatments. Both experimental groups attended 20 sessions with the same material, and the Gardner’s attitude and motivation test battery (AMTB) was administered as the pretest and posttest of the study. The mean scores of the two groups on this posttest were computed through an independent samples t-test in order to test the hypothesis raised in the study. The results demonstrated that learners benefited significantly from role playing and storytelling instructions.
1.1. Introduction 2
1.2. Statement of the Problem 5
1.3. Statement of the Research Question 6
1.4. Statement of the Research Hypothesis 6
1.5. Definition of Key Terms 6
1.6. Significance of the Study 8
1.7. Limitations and Delimitation 9
1.7.1. Limitations 9 1.7.2. Delimitation 10
2.1. Introduction 12
2.2. History of Storytelling 15
2.2.1. Storytelling in the English Language Classroom 16
2.2.2. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and
Storytelling 17
2.2.3. Storytelling and Task-based Language Teaching 19
2.2.4. The National Curriculum, Communicative Language 20
Teaching (CLT) and Storytelling
2.2.5. Learner Autonomy and Storytelling 21
2.2.6. Multiple Intelligences (MI) and Storytelling 22
2.2.7. Rationale for Storytelling 24
2.2.8. Studies on Storytelling 24
2.3. Role playing 26
2.3.1. Role playing and Task-based Language Teaching 26
2.3.2. Advantages of Role playing 27
2.3.3 Disadvantages of Role playing 31
2.3.4. Rationale for Using Role playing 32
2.4 Motivation 34
2.4.1. Types of Motivation 37 Instrumental and Integrative Motivation 37 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation 38
2.5.Theories and Constructs Reflecting Motivational Beliefs 39
and Attitudes
2.5.1 Attribution Theory 39
2.5.2 Self- efficacy 41
2.5.3 Mastery Experience 41
2.5.4Social Modeling 41
2.5.5.Social Persuasion 42
2.5.6.Psychological Response 42
2.5.7.Self – worth Theory 43
2.5.8.Goal Theories 43
2.5.9. Self – Determination Theory (SDT) 44
3.1. Introduction 47
3.2. Participants 47
3.3. Instrumentations and Materials 48
3.3.1. Tests 48 The Preliminary English Test (PET) 48 Attitude and Motivation Test Battery a 50
Pretest and a Posttest
3.3.2. Materials 51 Main Course Book for Both Groups Flashcards and Posters for Both Groups 51
3.4. Procedure 51
3.5. Design 54
3.6. Statistical Analyses 55
4.1. Introduction 57
4.2. Participant Selection 57
4.2.1 PET Pilot Study 58 PET Administration for Homogenizing 59
the Participants
4.2.2. Inferential Statics 67 Post-Test Results 71 Post-Test Descriptive Statistics 71
4.3. Testing the Null Hypotheses 74
4.4. Discussion 75
5.1. Introduction 83
5.2. Summary of the Findings 83
5.3. Pedagogical Implications 85
5.3.1. Implication for EFL Teachers 85
5.3.2. Implication for EFL Syllabus Designers 86
5.4. Suggestions for Further Research 87
Appendix A: Preliminary English Test (PET) 98
Appendix B: Appendix B: Writing Rating Scale 120
Appendix C: Attitude and Motivation Test Battery 122
by Gardner, 1985 (AMTB)
Appendix D: Sample Lesson 126
Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics of the PET Pilot Administration 58
Table 4.2 Reliability Estimates of the PET before and after Removing 59
Malfunctioning Items
Table 4.3 Reliability of the PET in First Homogenization 60
Table 4.4 Descriptive Statistics of the Two Ratings of PET Writing 60
Section (First Homogenization)
Table 4.5 Correlation between the Two Ratings of the PET 61
Writing Tasks (First Homogenization)
Table 4.6: Descriptive Statistics of Total PET (First Homogenization) 62
Table 4.7 Reliability of the PET (Second Homogenization) 62
Table 4.8 Descriptive Statistics of the Two Ratings of PET Writing 63
Section (First Second Homogenization)
Table 4.9 Correlation between the Two Ratings of the PET Writing 64
Tasks (Second Homogenization)
Table 4.10 Descriptive Statistics of Total PET (Second Homogenization) 64
Table 4.11 Descriptive Statistics of the Total PET Scores of the Two 65
Experimental Groups
Table 4.12: Independent Samples Test on the Total PET at the Onset 66
Table 4.13: T-test for both experimental groups 67
Table 4.14: Paired Samples Test for the experimental group 1 68
Table 4.15: Paired Samples Test for the experimental group 2 69
Table 4.16: Independent Samples Test Experimental 1 70
and Experimental 2 (Pretest)
Table 4.17: Descriptive Statistics of the motivation Post-test 72
Table 4.18: Independent Samples Test Experimental 1 74
and Experimental 2(Posttest)
Figure 4.1: Scatter Plot of Descriptive Statistics of the motivation Post-test
1.1 Introduction
Scholars in the field of teaching and learning English as a foreign or second language have long been concerned with finding ways to increase the learners’ motivation and removing the barriers they bring with themselves into the educational environment. Incorporating different instructions and techniques into the classroom adds variety as well as opportunities for a lot of language production. Some believe that these techniques can be used as integral part of the class. Using storytelling and role playing in EFL classes have gained special attention in recent years. If the teacher believes that the activity will work and the necessary support is provided, it can be very successful. However, if the teacher is not convinced about the validity of using role-play, the activity “will fall flat on its face just as you expected it to” (Ladousse, 1987, p.7). A widely spread and one of the best communicative activities as well as cooperative learning is a role play which trains the students in the classroom to cope with unpredictable real-life situations in an English speaking environment. Ladousse (1987) points out the special reasons for using role play in the lessons. It puts students in situations in which they are required to use and develop language necessary in social relationships and helps them to build up their social skills. Using role play is useful especially while teaching shy
students who have difficulty participating in conversations about themselves. Through this activity they are put into various roles and no longer feel that their own personality is implicated. Role play is an essential communicative technique which develops fluency, promotes interaction in the classroom and increases motivation.
Nowadays, with the development of communication technology, the necessity of learning English as one of the most important languages of the world became more apparent. Therefore, the need for learning communicative skills increases. On important issue in teaching – learning settings is psychological ones like stress, anxiety, and motivation. The present study deals with the effect of two applicable instructions of teaching on motivation. It is important that educators recognize the impact of the tasks on their students and ensuring that they are considering learners academic and emotional needs.
However, storytelling has a strong effect on learners’ perception and comprehension. Baker and Greene (1977) assert “storytelling increases the listeners’ awareness-sense of wonder, of mystery, of reverence for life” (p.17).
Louise Phillips (2000), in her research about storytelling mentioned the importance and effect of storytelling: There is enough research that has found valuable learning potential in storytelling experiences for children. This research indicates that storytelling “(a)enhances children’s imagination” (Raines and Isbell, 1994;pp. 264-265); “(b) supports and improves children’s social lives” (Britsch, 1992; p. 80); “© develops their cognitive skills such as ‘deferred imitation’, speculation and knowledge”(Britsch, 1992; p.23; Nicolopoulou, Scales and Weintramb, 1994; p. 103; Mallan, 1991;p. 12); “(d) contributes significantly to all aspects of language development” (Cooper, Collins and Saxby, 1992; Mallan, 1991); and “(e) is an effective bridge to early literacy” (Bruner, 1986; Rosen, 1988 as cited in Miller and Mehler, 1994).
The power and value of reading to children is indisputable (Trealease, 1985; Hall, 1992; Snow, 1992 as cited in Tallant, 1992). In addition to great pleasure, it offers for children both story structure and makes them ready to become independent reader (Tallant, 1992).
It should be noted that role playing activities help the students to experience the “real-world” situations (Oberle, 2004, p 199). Van Ments (1983) mentioned three main advantages of role-playing activities: (a) they are positive and safe in dealing with attitudes and feelings, (b) they provide a safe venue for expressing personal and sometimes unpopular attitudes and opinions, and © “role-playing is highly motivating as the majority of students enjoy these types of activities and become more inspired learners (as Cited in Graves, 2008).
On the other hand, motivation is considered as a key feature in the success of language learning. In fact, Dörnyei (2000) puts that “motivation provides the primary impetus to embark upon learning, and later the driving force to sustain the long and often tedious learning process” (p.425). With regard to the importance of comparison of digital and traditional role-play among Iranian EFL Learners’ proficiency in motivation, most scholars have written paper about the importance of role-playing in motivation.
- Statement of the Problem
Teaching is a process in which teachers have to consider many different aspects if they want to make this process successful such as students level, background, social context, interests, purposes, personality, age, learning styles, abilities, and personality characteristics. About those factors and others, Lightbown and Spada (1997, p. 33) believe: “in addition to personality characteristics, other factors generally considered to be relevant to language learning are intelligence, aptitude, motivation, and attitudes.”
According to AbuêndiaPadilha (1999), it is really important for teachers to promote learner’s confidence by focusing on some issues and topics which make them interested. De Almeida believes that “in this way, learners will be able to continue with their learning process in a meaningful way. Not only can it provide a good language environment, but also motivation.” (2011, p.4)
Ericksen (1978) believes that “Effective learning in the classroom depends on the teacher’s ability … to maintain the interest that brought students to the course in the first place” (Ericksen, 1978, p. 3).
Researchers try to find a way to increase the learners’ motivation and interests and also decrease the amount of difficulty they encounter when they want to learn a new language.
It is widely agreed that learning takes place since activities are engaging and memorable. Research has also shown that well-organized everyday teaching practices and techniques have a great effect in contrast to special efforts to attack motivation directly (Ericksen, 1978).
In line with the discussion presented so far and because of the necessity for motivating instruction in an EFL learning setting, this study sought to compare the effect of storytelling and role playing on EFL learners’ motivation.
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[چهارشنبه 1399-11-22] [ 12:56:00 ق.ظ ]